Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Family day -PD

salam, bestnye last weekend. Got family day at Regency Hotel, PD. Even though it was only 2 days and 1 night, but that was fun. najihah pun sure tersangat happy coz dia swim in the pool and pantai too. The pantai was so beautiful. Bilik apartment given to us pun was very comfortable. Sgt besar,, 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom lagi. We just occupied the master bedroom saja. Rugi plak tak bwk sapa sapa. Basically, najihah main one kid game je.. Tupun jenuh tunggu dia run smbil bwk the balloon and give back to ayah. Siap nangis lagi coz jatuh just before the game was started. Sure kalah la tu.. Anyway, dpt hadiah jugak walaupun kalah. Small little teddy bear. Lain lain game she can't join since it was out of age range. Apapun, the family day walaupun ada bengkel dlm 3-4 hours, it was really fun.. Rasa nnk bercuti lagi... Pictures below are from jas's facebook. Credits to jas..

Remember Me...

It's Robert Pattinson again.. now in Remember Me..with his co-star Emilie de ravin. The movie is so different from Twilight and New Moon..since he did not become a vampire in this film. he's a normal , rebellious, and lost guy in the movie due to previous family tragedy. The movie is so ok for me apart from the ending. The ending was so frustrating.. he died in 9/11 tragedy.. suddenly just disappeared and the grave of him is shown.. i personally think it is not fair and it was an express ending.. not touching at all after he touched us in the movie before the ending.

Twillight @New Moon @ Edward Cullen

salam everyone, after watched film Twillight and New Moon, straightly it became our (in particular najia's mom la..heheh) obsession. Tak puas melihatnye eventough watch and watch it for hundred is because of Edward Cullen character.. the handsome and hot vampire teenager. Suddenly Robert Pattinson became my favo actor.. no wonderlah he's the Hollywood obsession now... I guess i'm a normal person. hehhe. For me, he's got the style.. and really, he's a very good and remarkable actor..he's really can act! the vampire Edward Cullen character he played is so interesting to watch and follow. But in reality, Robert is quite different.. he's a cool guy and very funny.. from the interview sessions that have been watched.. and the best part is.. najia did something that Edwars always did in the movie.. i.e stare down.. after watched few times, najia did something that surprises us,, she suddenly called umi and show me the look (stare down).. ahahahha.. that's very smart my dear.. it is unexpected at all..without teaching her.. she made the look.. it's seems that your mom played it many many times on tv apparently.. heheheh..ayah jia pun sometimes admits that he looks like Edward.. hahahha.. so funny.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Makan makan sempena 2nd birthday najihah

salam, after 3 weeks of najihah's 2nd birthday, baru ler boleh upload pictures makan makan with najihah's fren, i.e damia zahirah.. cute little girl dan putih melepak uncle mizi and auntie emy tu. Kawan najihah, Damia yg sorang lagi can't come..sbb ayah dia malas nak dtg..apa la. heheheh. So, these photos taken by uncle mizi le ni.. professional photographer.. many thanks to him. Tapi look at the photos.. see. najihah was so comot, with her long hair, blum cut lagi at that time, with pyjamas (just took her from nursery), di tambah dengan chocolate cake bought by autie fatiha, bertambah le comotnye.. but luckyly uncle mizi pandai ambik photos, nice shots.. lastly, thanks to autie fatiha juga sbb menaja cake.. terima kasih daun keladi!

Monday, March 1, 2010

cuti weekend

peace !!! kat alamanda putrajaya.. jalan jalan aje

cuti weken 3 days baru je habis. Bestnye kalau cuti lagi.. again, monday mood..tak bestnye.
BTW, weken baru ni byk spend time at home aje. tak byk jalan jalan, just went to alamanda, giant kinrara (tu pun ada sebab) dan pegi opis 2 kali.. teman ayah najihah overtime at nights. For the past 3 days, najihah was in pottie training, dia yg taknak pakai pampers.. so, kene la ajar pi toilet.. but pi toilet sgt rajin, tapi sibuk main air,,, apparently, training tak berjaya 100% lagi.. perhaps need more time. Anyway, just don't give up.. she is still so young actually , just into 2 years. There's a lot of time to improve.. Ok go girl...